Connecting roads and bridging issues between Armenia and the world. |
SUMMER 2017This summer we retuned to the village of Shvanidzor, Armenia to host a two week long educational summer camp.
Our team also spent a month in the village of Jrashen, Armenia in order to renovate, furnish and launch a brand new kindergarten for the village children. Click to learn more! |
SUMMER CAMPSEvery summer we host educational summer camps in remote villages.
RENOVATION PROJECTSWe renovate educational facilities in underserved locations.
SCHOLARSHIPSWe provide scholarships to village students with financial hardships.
The Hidden Road Initiative is a tax-exempt, charitable non profit organization founded in 2011 by Nanor Balabanyan at UCSB. HRI provides humanitarian aid to remote villages in Armenia, holds educational summer camps, provides scholarships to graduating students, and renovates schools and kindergartens in underserved villages. Since its founding HRI has grown both in size and scope of its projects. There are student chapters operating in UCSB, UCLA, UC Berkeley and GCC. Read more.
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