Summer Camp 2023 InformationThank you for your interest in the HRI summer program!
Our summer camp will focus on teaching English and organizing various therapy-based activities for students ages 8-18 during a summer camp in Pioneer Young-Life Camp in Hankavan, Armenia. The camp will take place during August 2023 (August 17-22, 2023), but to adequately prepare and get accustomed to the time difference, we recommend that you arrive by August 13th, if not earlier. The goal of this specific year's camp will be to enhance students' English language skills, as well as support their overall mental health through Art, Music, Dance, (other) therapy classes. The primary students who will be joining this camp will be our HRI Online English students, as well as 8-18 year old students from Akhpradzor, Makenis, Shvanidzor, Alvank, Nrnadzor, and Artsakh. Qualifications 1) Over 18 years old 2) Have experience teaching or working with children 3) Preferred - HRI Online English Teacher 4) Preferred - Have experience working in trauma-informed care Cost for Teachers -$150/Teacher -Cost includes transportation from Yerevan to Hankavan, Room and Board for 5 nights, Three meals a day, a camp T-shirt Schedule of Events -May 20-30: Applications -May 30-June 5: Interviews / Finalizing team -June 5-July 30: Twice a month meetings to lesson plan and prepare -August 13: Arrive to Armenia to settle in -August 14: Team meeting in Yerevan -August 17: Head to Hankavan camp as Leaders -August 18: Students arrive to camp -August 22: Students and teachers return Please fill out this form ( to indicate your interest in the HRI Summer Program. This form does not bind you to go on the trip but gives us a chance to know about you and your interest in our program. To find out more about our past summer program, please watch the videos below (Please do note, that camps in the past used to happen in villages). For questions or concerns email [email protected] |