A little over a year ago, Tatul played a key role in establishing a youth center in his home village of Akhpradzor. The center serves to supplement their education through engaging activities and as a community hub for students from Akhpradzor and Makenis villages. This year, he continued his leadership role at the center, focusing primarily on developing a set educational curriculum for the center and creating opportunities for the students to enhance their leadership skills.
Through dedicated effort and forging personal connections with the students, tangible results have begun to surface. As a result of the new curriculum, a 50% increase in mathematics and a 50% increase in Armenian language proficiency were recorded among 20 youth center students. The center also welcomed 10 new students this year who, inspired by the achievements and enthusiasm of their peers, decided to become involved. Three new extracurricular classes were introduced at the center, initiated by the students themselves. As a community hub for the village youth, the center also hosted seven events throughout the year, several designed to welcome guests from across Armenia and beyond.
Through dedicated effort and forging personal connections with the students, tangible results have begun to surface. As a result of the new curriculum, a 50% increase in mathematics and a 50% increase in Armenian language proficiency were recorded among 20 youth center students. The center also welcomed 10 new students this year who, inspired by the achievements and enthusiasm of their peers, decided to become involved. Three new extracurricular classes were introduced at the center, initiated by the students themselves. As a community hub for the village youth, the center also hosted seven events throughout the year, several designed to welcome guests from across Armenia and beyond.