I have always dreamt of implementing a community development project for my village, and this year, with the Henry Keledjian Scholar Service Program, I had the opportunity to organize the first-ever Akhpradzor Quest: an interactive game aimed at showcasing the wonders of Akhpradzor to participants from Armenia and the Diaspora, attract tourists to the area, and collect books for the Akhpradzor Youth Center.
The one-day program fully immersed tourists into the village lifestyle. Upon arriving at the youth center, guests were divided into 2 teams and embarked on a competitive treasure hunt to find the symbolic village treasure. The clues were naturally placed in hidden areas of the village so participants would discover the beauty of Akhpradzor. After which, the guests and the village children climbed on the back of a truck and ventured off to the mountain peak where they danced and sang songs. Upon their return, the winning team won their awards, then all volunteers handed over the books they had brought to the children. The day ended with a beautiful bonfire and dance!
The one-day program fully immersed tourists into the village lifestyle. Upon arriving at the youth center, guests were divided into 2 teams and embarked on a competitive treasure hunt to find the symbolic village treasure. The clues were naturally placed in hidden areas of the village so participants would discover the beauty of Akhpradzor. After which, the guests and the village children climbed on the back of a truck and ventured off to the mountain peak where they danced and sang songs. Upon their return, the winning team won their awards, then all volunteers handed over the books they had brought to the children. The day ended with a beautiful bonfire and dance!